If you use any data from the NBN Atlas, you must cite or acknowledge both the NBN Atlas and the individual data providers and their data resources (datasets) of records licenced under OGL, CC-BY and CC-BY-NC. This includes records, maps and summary information viewed on the NBN Atlas.

How to cite

Please follow these guidelines:

1. NBN Atlas

NBN Trust ([Year]). The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Atlas. https://ror.org/00mcxye41.

If you have used data from an occurrence download on the NBN Atlas, please also include the citation below (which can also be found in the README.html file, included in the zip file of your occurrence download).

NBN Atlas occurrence download at https://nbnatlas.org accessed on [date of download, e.g.,13 December 2023]

2. Datasets (downloads and maps)

The citation text for the individual datasets in the download are in the citation.csv file and README.html file in the zip file that you downloaded.  If there are too many data resources to be cited for the main citation list, please put the data resource citations in an appendix or supplementary material. If there are any, please also include any DOIs from the citation file.

RSPB ([Year]). 1994-2022 Capercaillie Brood Counts Data, Scotland. Occurrence dataset on the NBN Atlas. https://doi.org/[doi]

3. A species page

NBN Trust ([Year]). Rhyacophila dorsalis map on the NBN Atlas: https://species.nbnatlas.org/species/NBNSYS0000008339. The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Atlas. https://ror.org/00mcxye41. Page visited [date page was visited, e.g., 13 December 2023]

4. Details accessed from Locations and Region reports

The citation for any summary report used, whether the details are downloaded or not, should include the following details, including the URL used in the search:
NBN Trust ([Year]). The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Atlas. https://scotland-records.nbnatlas.org/explore/your-area#55.6531|-3.1936|16|ALL_SPECIES. Page visited [date page was visited, e.g., 13 December 2023]

If you have any questions or need support preparing the citations, please email data@nbnatlas.org