Each species record on the NBN Atlas has an associated licence, which give specific instructions on how the data may or may not be used. The types of licence found on the NBN Atlas are as follows:
Open-Government Licence (OGL)
Creative Commons No Rights Reserved Licence (CCO)
Creative Commons Licence with Attribution (CC-BY)
Creative Commons Licence with Attribution – Non-Commercial (CC-BY-NC)
To learn what each of these licences mean, please visit the definition of data licences help page.
To check the licence of a dataset select Data and Partners > Search NBN Atlas datasets
Use the left hand menu to filter results including : licence type, species list or records
The licence type of a dataset is listed underneath its name
Clicking on the name of a dataset will take will take you to its own page, where the licence information is listed underneath the data partners logo.
Licence information can also be displayed and a filter applied when viewing records. See the left hand menu.
Clicking an individual record on the map will also allow you to view its licence. Click ‘View record’, and the licence information will be displayed among other information on the record.
TIP: Before downloading data ensure that you have filtered by licence type if appropriate.