Search for the species from either of the search boxes on the NBN Atlas homepage (1, 2), or from the Species tab (3).
Select the species from the results page (4)
Scroll down the page to the distribution map and click Interactive map.
You will be directed to an interactive map on the Occurrence records page.
The default map will show all 100km OS grid squares. You can alter the display using the options at the top of the map (5). For example, records can be displayed as grid squares of different sizes or as points, which can be coloured according to your criteria. The opacity, outline and size of the points can be altered too.
Use the + and – symbols on the left to zoom in or out (6). Click and drag anywhere to move around the map.
To limit the displayed records to a specific area, you can use the drawing tools (7) to draw a circle, rectangle or polygon. You can delete or edit these areas using the buttons below (8).
You can alter the map appearance by selecting from the options (9).
To change the default filters, click Customise filters (10). Here you can specify the filters you would like to be applied to your records. You can apply up to eight filters.
To apply filters to the displayed records, use the Narrow your results window on the left (11).
To learn more about the records at any point or area, just click the point you are interested in. This will bring up some basic details of the record/s. Just click View record/s (12) to be directed to the Occurrence page for the record. Here you will find many more details about the record.
Use the options in the dropdown box to change the appearance of the map (13). For instance, change the records from being displayed as variable grids, to points.